Winter Survival Guide 2020/21 - Mid-month Nudge - MARCH

Previous posts can all be found here. Follow along on Instagram @fjcoaching for regular nudges, or scroll back to see others from across the series.

The story so far...

This is the very last mid-month nudge in the 6-month series I embarked upon last October. I will save some final closing notes for the end of the month, and for now recommit to the March theme of CHOOSE. The image is of another gateway in my neighbourhood; like the one I shared back in November, I love the idea of gateways as a transition place. Choose to step through and experience something different.

‘Choose’ can be a challenge, because it shifts the responsibility onto you. No-one can make you do the thing you need to do. Much of the time, the onus is on you to make the sensible or better choice. No one can even make you feel the feelings. But sometimes it can take a lot of effort to choose not to rise to the bait, not to react, not to care quite so much.

‘Choose’ can be easy, and super accessible: choose to see a familiar view from a new angle. Choose to notice what is new and different about that view. Choose to try a new flavour, or the veggie option, or a different kind of book.

‘Choose’ can be liberating. I choose not to mind, not to feel hurt, not to invest my (finite) energy where it is not well spent. I choose to put down this emotional baggage I’ve been hauling around. I choose to wallow and feel sorry for myself, just for a while perhaps.

Having choices can be associated with privilege, certainly. Although, no matter your circumstances, noticing how many things you can choose to do/say/commit to can be incredibly empowering. I choose to have nice manners. I choose to have positive intentions. I choose to put myself first, sometimes.

How is it going for you? Have you committed to the CHOOSE theme? If not, what is getting in your way? Today is a good day to start.

One new tool

Sometimes it can be helpful if you choose to notice patterns in your wellbeing. On a recommendation from a trusted source, I’m trying out a new app called FormScore. It’s very simple – you give yourself a score out of 10 based on how you’re doing today. Nothing more complex than that. You can also indicate what has influenced that score, whether it’s the weather, work, sleep, exercise, and so on. It’s worth a little look if you’d appreciate some insights that might help you to make good choices. There’s also the space to connect with trusted friends or colleagues, so that you can see how they are doing too. Choose to connect, where you see someone might need a hand.